"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower"
-Hans Christian Anderson

May 31, 2011

There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but the view is always the same

The title is a Chinese proverb if you were wondering or interested.

Hopefully you had a great Memorial Day weekend! To all my loyal readers, sorry for not posting all weekend. However, the good news is I have lots to blog about. From finding arrowheads on the Indian Bar in Brooksville to attending a wedding to shopping for new dresses…. I’d say I had a pretty action packed weekend.

One of the highlights of my weekend was going up the Blue Hill Mountain. I try to go up the mountain as often as I can but the weather and my energy level do not persist. On Sunday evening, I finally told myself it was time to go up. I dragged my boyfriend along, he was not too thrilled about the exersize on such a groggy day. There was a substantial amount of fog and it was kind of muggy. However, this did not stop me. We got to the half way point and decided to just chill on the trails instead of going up because we were afraid the sun would go down before we had a chance to go back down.

Map of the trails
I usually take the Hayes trail up but it is the steepest trail and I felt like going on a leisure walk rather than suffer a work out. We started up the Hayes trail then our plan was to go across the south face trail then go up the Osgood trail. We just ended up just going down afterwards. Please note, I did not know the names of the trails until today. I just learned in order to reference them to the diagram above. We tend to refer to the two trails “the steep way” and the “long way”.

I remember we always hiked the mountain in elementary school for field trips. I use to dread them because I was a terrible hiker. Looking back, I am glad we did. Some people who live here never go up which is a shame because it is such a great workout and a beautiful view.  Not to mention it is the easiest hike.  I would not call Blue Hill Mountain a mountain but more like a..... steep hill.

A view of the mountain

I cannot wait for the summer to progress so I can actually climb the mountain in better weather. The other day I was just jonesing for a hike. Next time I will definitely bring my camera and document my hike.

Any hiking suggestions? I am definitely interested in hiking various places. There are some places on MDI I am interested in exploring.  I would love some feed back.

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